Welcome to Stone Soup Studio
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New Class Schedules!

Summer Camps!!!!
July 29 - Aug. 2; 1:00 - 4:00 all materials included $200
August 19 - 23; 1:00 - 4:00 all materials included $200
to register contact J. Scott: 250-884-0784 or [email protected]

July /August Camp
July 29 - Aug. 2; 1:00 - 4:00
all materials included $200
Start with basic sewing skills, moving toward simple garment construction. From totes, hand bags and stuffies to garment making. There is even time to learn the creative art of embroidery. Design your own project! Taught to each individual’s skill level,
Beginners & more experienced sewists are welcome.

to register contact J. Scott: 250-884-0784 or [email protected]

red blue and white flowers

August Camp
August 19 - 23; 1:00 - 4:00
all materials included $200
Start with basic sewing skills, moving toward simple garment construction. From totes, hand bags and stuffies to garment making. There is even time to learn the creative art of embroidery. Design your own project! Taught to each individual’s skill level,
Beginners & more experienced sewists are welcome.

to register contact J. Scott: 250-884-0784 or [email protected]

red blue and white flowers
red blue and white flowers

Providing an enriching & supportive learning environment to exercise creativity, have fun & items to enjoy when you are done!

 Instruction for both Youth & Adults
Learn to create everything from clothing, to totes, and accessories.  Also weaving, spinning, felting & embroidery.


photos of projects: garment sewing, creative sewing, embroidery, needle felting, wet felting, weaving and spinning 

(click images to enlarge)



garment sewing

needle felting

zipper bag

tote bag

needle felting

embroidered bag

wet-felted bag

wet felting

drawstring bag


wet felting

wet-felted booties



simple garments

simple skirt


pyjama pants



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